For the past 4 years or so, I’ve had an ardent feeling that money is life or more like money makes up more than 95% percent of life and happiness. Now don’t ask me what 95% means here, cause I’m just using it figuratively to express that I value money more than most things in life (except for the relationship with my mom and very few of my friends). It was like - if I had to choose between spending time with family vs earning money, I would always happily choose money over spending time with family. But for the past week I’ve been rethinking that probably money does not make me the most happiest. I’ve been interning at Appyhigh for the past 8 months and with the money I’ve saved up, I spent about 25k rupees on various stuff within a time frame of 4 days. But am I really that happy after spending 25k for myself? Well I am, but was it the most happiest 4 days in my life? Hate to break it to myself but no. I’ve been happier in ways that cannot be explained when my crush accepted my proposal and not to mention the good old times I’ve spent with my friends during school, tuition and a new addition to the list is college friends. This made me rethink my assumption that money can make me the most happiest.
I wanted to have an open-minded conversation with someone who can help me make an informed choice on what my “new” view on money and life would be. Enter my friend @Trif. After exchanging a few text messages back and forth on WhatsApp, I realized that money still is a major part/component of life and it enables you to do things that you want to do. But, there is a limit at which the happiness you get out of money saturates. To truly be happy you need both money and also do what you enjoy doing in life.